Reasons Why Leaders Should Travel More

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An illustration of a male in corporate attire talking on the phone while holding a luggage, standing in front of a building with cars in the background


For company and business owners, bosses, managers, and others, they travel to widen their investments, to negotiate, and to get transactions. When you are one of those social groups, there are times when you should travel as a plain traveler or tourist as well. You are not on business, you are not there to earn more money or any activities related to the work. You are here because you want to experience other cultures, taste other foods, and have fun in general!


It’s no secret that traveling can be bothersome. There are so many bags and luggage to carry, the constant packing and unpacking, hours upon hours of driving, and the never-ending question of “Are we there yet?” Aside from that, a large amount of money is also a necessity, especially if your destination is overseas. You might ask, “What could I gain from all of this?”


The first one is Patience. For most people, this attitude is one of the most important yet, the hardest to achieve. Mostly this is true if you are in the business industry. You find it necessary to be able to catch up to the phase of this field so you become impatient, enforcing progress for an impossible amount of time. Although a good thing is an eagerness, too much of it drives away the momentum of the team and the potential progress itself.

Going to road trips just for the heck of it can really improve your patience. Because you’re spending time with people who are not obligated to follow your orders. There would always be people who will counter your decisions, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Aside from that, you can also expect casualties that can elevate your temper. With these experiences, you’d be able to understand what pressure is doing to your team, making you a lot more tolerant to others.      


It has always been an asset for great leaders to show initiative. In your company, you have to be able to solve certain issues. You can exercise your decision-making skills by traveling not only on work-related incidents but also in all aspects of life. Facing problems out of your comfort zone can help you produce more creative and practical solutions.

Administrating so many employees is also part of your work. But due to the hierarchy of offices, you are not that often to work with them in person. You’re used to laying out tasks to them without making any connection or relation to them. Travelling also helps you value teamwork. Because it lets you brainstorm with other people and work with them up close. By planning where to go next, or where do all of you spend for the night, you can hear each other’s opinions and agree upon a single option together.

Aside from acquiring these certain skills, traveling can also help you become more sociable. It may also help to free yourself from the stress of constantly chasing currency. Apart from that, you can spend some time with people you cared about most. Why not travel with your families, and friends every once in a while?


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